December 13--St Lucia's Day in Sweden

 Birgit Ridderstedt as Saint Lucy Sankta Lucia
"Alongside Midsummer, the Lucia celebrations represent one of the foremost cultural traditions in Sweden, with their clear reference to life in the peasant communities of old: darkness and light, cold and warmth.Lucia is an ancient mythical figure with an abiding role as a bearer of light in the dark Swedish winters."
"December 13th was also the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, in the old 'Julian' Calendar and a pagan festival of lights in Sweden was turned into St. Lucia's Day. St. Lucia's Day is now celebrated by a girl dressing in a white dress with a red sash round her waist and a crown of candles on her head. Small children use electric candles but from about 12 years old, real candles are used!"


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