Hello on a Wednesday

Dear Amelia,

here we are, halfway through the week. Monday was exciting, with all the costumes and candy. I took chocolates to work to share with the Math tutors, most of whom are students at my college. One was dressed up like a Math superhero.

My boss, jp. He is a superhero every day: manager, teacher, student, and friend.
Last night I taught my writing class. My students are diverse: working adults, young people straight out of high school, recent immigrants from the Caribbean, people who have diagnosed special needs, and first-generation children of Iranian immigrants. I love helping them write academic essays in English, as they will need these skills in any job they may choose.

Math tutors at work
How has your week been so far? I saw your costume (very nice hair) and some of your fun events. 

Writing tutor and student
I miss you every day, which I why I spend time here on your blog. It makes me feel connected to you. 

at the Orlando Science Center

Grandma Sara


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